
01 Processing of Near-Surface Marine Seismic Reflection Data

Before SRME

processing of near surface marine seismic reflection data jesley geo services bremen germany

After SRME

processing of near surface marine seismic reflection data jesley geo services

Constant velocity stacks of high-resolution air-gun seismic data before and after Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME). Notice the suppression of multiples in the circled region.

Application: Production of Interpretable Shallow Seismic Sections and Cubes

02 Interpretation of Seismic Reflection, Borehole and Cone Penetration Test Data

Un-interpreted ultra-high-resolution seismic section

Interpretation of seismic reflection, borehole and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data jesley geoservices

Interpreted geological section

Interpretation of seismic reflection, borehole and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data b jesley geoservices

Application: Integrated, Shallow Ground Modeling to Reduce Subsurface Risks and Optimize Foundation Designs for Infrastructure

03 Processing and Interpretation of Sub-Bottom Profiler, Borehole and Cone Penetration Test Data

Un-interpreted sub-bottom profiler data

Processing and interpretation of sub-bottom profiler, borehole and CPT data jesley geo services cornwall uk

Sub-bottom profiler data showing facies boundaries

Processing and interpretation of sub-bottom profiler, borehole and CPT data jesley geo services germany

Application: Integrated, Very Shallow Ground Modeling for Infrastructure

04 Processing and Interpretation of Multibeam Bathymetric Data

Processing and interpretation of multibeam bathymetric data jesley geo services bremen germany

Multibeam bathymetric map

Application: Ocean Bottom, Seafloor, River Bed and Lake Bottom Mapping (Hydrography)

05 Processing and Interpretation of Multibeam Backscatter Data

Processing and interpretation of multibeam backscatter datacessing-and-interpretation-of-multibeam-backscatter-data jesley geo services uk

Processed multibeam backscatter data revealing fumaroles (green arrows) and a volcanic outcrop

Application: Water Bottom Imagery

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